The GI Diet Guide


Vegetable Ratatouille

Ratatouille is a heathy Italian vegetable dish served with pasta.

Couscous Salad  


(Serves 4)
1 red onion
1 large egg plant/aubergine
2 medium zucchinis/courgettes
1 green bell pepper
¼ bottle red wine
3 cloves garlic crushed
1 teaspoon dried thyme
2 bay leaves
400g can chopped tomatoes
2 tablespoon balsamic vinegar


Chop the onions, egg plant (aubergine), zucchinis (courgettes) and peppers into ¾ inch square pieces. Fry the onion for a few minutes in a little olive oil.
  Step 1


Step 2  
Add the rest of the vegetables and the crushed garlic and fry for a few more minutes. Add the wine, thyme and stir gently whilst on a low heat.


Mix in the tomatoes then add the bay leaves on top. Cover the pan and leave it to simmer on a low heat for 45 minutes stirring occasionally. 10 minutes before serving stir in the balamic vinegar. Serve with appoximately 60g/2oz pasta and topped with low fat parmesan or a similar cheese. I used spaghetti but any will kind of pasta will do.
  Step 3
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