The GI Diet Guide


Low GI Pasta with Italian Sauce

Here's a recipe for those times when you need a low GI meal in a hurry. This pasta dish with an italian style tomato sauce is ready in 15 minutes and is a real help for all those short on time but looking to eat healthily or loose weight.  
  Nutritional Information
(per serving)
Calories: 526
Protein: 16g
Fat: 23g
- Saturated: 7g
- Cholesterol: 27mg
Carbohydrate: 65g
- Sugars: 10g
Fiber: 6g
Sodium: 1g

Spiced Apricot Turkey  


(Serves 4)
6oz/160g bacon (smoked or unsmoked)
2 medium sized onions
14oz/400g tin of chopped plum tomatoes
7oz/200g frozen peas
2 table spoons tomato puree
2 cloves of garlic
1 table spoon balsamic vinegar
2 teaspoons spoon worcestershire sauce
2 teaspoons mixed italian herbs
3 large pinches of salt
1 table spoon olive oil
9oz/250g dried pasta


Cut the onion into strips and add to a pan with the crushed garlic cloves and the olive oil. Fry the onion on a gentle heat for 2 minutes, stirring regularly.
  Step 1


Step 1  
Meanwhile cut the rind off the bacon using scissors and then cut into strips and add to the pan. Also add the salt pepper and herbs and keep stirring to prevent sticking. At the same time boil a kettle of water and prepare the pasta by following the instructions on the packet.


Add the chopped tomatoes, tomatoe puree, balsamic vinegar and worcestershire sauce. Heat gently until slightly bubbling
  Step 1


Step 1  
Add the frozen peas then cook for a further 4-5 minutes or until the peas are cooked. Serve on top of the cooked pasta.
Who needs diet pills or appetite suppressants? Lose weight the healthy way with the low GI diet!
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